Digital Photography
All pictures on this website are Copyright protected
Paranormal Pictures Gallery

OSR - 3rd floor cells - The dark trip around the 3rd floor...
OSR - Administration - Our little boy Nicholas, who visits us often...
Matt & Laura's House - Shadow in the hall and cat spirit in bottom left
OSR - Showers - West - Captured a mist while the EMF detector went off
OSR - Infirmary - We believe we actually captured a portal here...
OSR - Just outside the phone room - Something is in the chair on the left

OSR - Chapel - Little boy's spirit caputured during an overnight investigation
OSR - Chapel - Second pic of the little boy during an overnight investigation
OSR - Showers - West - Sprits still waiting in line for the showers...
OSR - Infirmary - Woman in the top left corner, standing behind Matt
OSR - Infirmary - Spirit standing in front of part of the window
OSR - West Cell Block - Spirit of a nurse with a little boy behind her
OSR - Chapel - Pic right after the "Woman in the Chapel" pic - she's gone and someone else is sitting on the pew
OSR - Chapel - Spirit in front of Matt, "The Woman in the Chapel" & little kid kneeling backwards on the pew
OSR - 2nd Floor Cells - Spirit standing in the cell entrance on the left
Residence in Richmond Heights, OH - Flaming orb moving around the room where the grandfather passed
Madison Seminary - Asylum - Arm pointing to something but no one was with me
Madison Seminary - Asylum - Spirit in the doorway
Madison Seminary - 2nd Floor Outside of the Nixon Room - Spirit casually sitting on the bed
Fairfield County Infirmary - Morgue - Spirit crouching in bottom left corner
All pictures on this website are Copyright protected